Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, New Hope

I don't know about you, but I was more than ready to say good-bye to 2012. I can honestly say that it was, by-far, the most difficult year of my life. It was filled with many highs, but unfortunately, many more lows. Yet throughout the heartache and disappointment of things that were not to be, God remained faithful. He has never left us or forsaken us throughout our trials. We are thankful to have a God who holds us in the palm of His hand and allows us to take shelter under His wings.

Here are a few things that I learned in 2012... I learned how lucky I am to have a best friend in my husband. I learned how to cherish and invest in important friendships. I learned how to better hear and understand the voice of the Holy Spirit. I learned what it means to truly become part of a church "family." I learned what a gift God has given me with both my biological family and my family-in-law. I learned that my husband is an amazing Physical Therapist. I learned that we will be moving from San Antonio after Ronnie graduates in August. I have not yet learned where we will be going:) I have learned to be content no matter the circumstances. I have learned to be utterly thankful for the mentors and friends in my life who have invested in me and helped guide me through very difficult seasons. I have learned that I have a friend in Jesus. I have learned that my love for God grows when I simply spend more time with Him. I have learned that Caribou Coffee mixed with Cinnamon Vanilla Creamer is the best possible morning pick-me-up. I have learned that Life Cereal continues to be (and probably always will be) the best cereal of all time. I have learned that I have an unhealthy addiction to chocolate. I have also learned that it is not an addiction I plan to curb any time soon. I have learned that all of my pants are incredibly tight and that apparently I need to exercise. I have learned that all of the worst drivers in the entire world all live in San Antonio. I have learned that I desperately miss fresh-cut, Northwest-grown Christmas trees. I have learned that it is possible to openly weep at a movie theater (please note: Les Miserables...). I have learned that I still desperately desire to have biological children. I have learned that my husband and I came into agreement about continuing fertility treatments. I have also learned that our In Vitro Fertilization will happen some time in the next 2 months:) I have learned to surrender my pain and completely put my trust in the Lord. Sadly, I have learned that while sometimes the justice system succeeds, it can also fail miserably. I have learned that there are no words for the pain of saying a last good-bye to your child. I have learned that the time you have with your children is short and you should cherish every moment that you can. I learned that sorrow will last through the night, but joy still comes in the morning. Thank you, Lord, for your unspeakable joy.

I wish nothing but a very Blessed and Happy New Year to you and yours.


1 comment:

  1. I have learned that you are one of my most treasured friends in the world. xoxoxo
