Monday, March 5, 2012


Well, a week ago today I finally said "Enough." I decided to resign from my job and turned in my 2-week notice to my supervisor. I had gotten to a point where something had to give, and I knew it could not be my family. After praying, talking to my husband and seeking wise council, I feel very confident about my decision. The current season of life I am in demands more time than I have been able to give and my family needs my undivided attention. After speaking to my husband, I came to the realization that there are many people who could do that job, but I am the only one who can be a wife and mother to my family. I am looking forward to being able to stay at home with our kiddos, I am also leaving my job with a heavy heart. I have really bonded with my staff, students and many parents at my school, all of which I am sad to leave behind. I have been praying that God would reveal to me what purpose I have served at this site after only being there for 3 months, and I think he is beginning to reveal that to me as my time comes to an end. The 9 staff I have been supervising are amazing. They deal with so many hardships in their personal lives, yet they put it all aside and come to work each day, excited and dedicated to our students. When I first came to our site, our staff and students were hurting. They had lost yet another Director and hadn't had strong leadership for quite some time. Over the past 3 months, I have been encouraging them, praising them, and challenging them to embrace their full potential. I have seen such amazing growth from every single one of them and we have really come together as a strong team; one of my staff has even applied to be a Director at another site. I am so incredibly proud of my staff and while I am sorry to say good-bye, I know that they will continue to thrive after I am gone. I praise God for the time that I had at my site and I'm excited to move forward and embrace my new role as a stay-at-home mom. This Friday will be my last day, so I covet your prayers over this next week... prayer for a smooth transition for my staff, students and parents and for Ronnie, the kiddos and myself. I'm already looking forward to what this next season has in store: taking B to the zoo, picking J up from school, volunteering at his school, helping him with his homework, participating in play dates, taking walks to the park, potty-training, going out for ice cream, doing art projects, baking with the kids, being an involved mom. I'm not saying that working moms cannot be involved, but with my work schedule and difficult hours, weekday involvement with the kids was challenging if not impossible. I'm trying not to be naive... I know that staying at home will bring it's own specific challenges. However, I am ready to be available to my kiddos, for however little or long they will be with us. My husband is excited to have me home as well. I'm sure he will appreciate having someone here to finally make nice home-cooked meals on a regular basis. Ronnie has been such a trooper and I am incredibly thankful for his dedication to me and the kiddos during the last 3 months of complete craziness. He and I are looking forward to finally spending some much-needed quality family time together. I've realized that even though the money from my job was needed and appreciated, God will help us get by with what we have. All it will take is re-prioritizing our current budget and having faith that God will bless our obedience. God, my husband, my foster kids. For me, they are enough.


  1. I think you're making a wise choice Heather. My wife and I strive very hard to make it possible for her to be at home with our girls. It means sacrificing some other things, and watching the kids full time is just as challenging and exhausting as a full time job, but the intangibles of deepening your relationships with your children are worth every second. And home-cooked meals are something that I, as a husband, greatly love. It makes me proud and honored to work that much harder to make ends meet.

    Congratulations on making the hard decision, but I for one think it is one you will look back on and realize it was the best thing you could have done.

    We'll keep you and Ronnie in our prayers.

  2. I am excited for you! I love being at home with Jessica, although we do still have our days. Good luck with the transitions! I hope this week goes smoothly and you continue to feel at peace with your decision!
