The boys are in the process of being adopted by a family and we are just a temporary home before they are legally released from the state's care. So we will have to say good-bye to them in a few more weeks, which is definitely bittersweet. It was supposed to be a 30-day placement, which then turned into a 60-day placement, which is now turning into an unknown time frame. We just know that we have the boys now and we are trying desperately to make some sort of positive influence while they are in our home. It's difficult trying to teach a 2-year-old about Jesus, trying to figure out what they are able to comprehend at this young age. We are teaching them about praying to God before every meal and before bedtime. I sing songs with them everyday, such as the classic "Jesus Loves Me." We take them to church and they have a lot of interaction with Christian families. Also, when we take walks, we point out the trees and the sun and the birds and talk about all of the beautiful things that God has created. Is any of it sinking in? I really don't know. I just try to do as much as I can, not knowing what kind of home they are going to be growing up in. I know that we can only do as much as we can do, then we have to leave the rest up to the Lord.
As crazy as life is right now, I still praise God for the journey he is taking Ronnie and I on. It's not easy and it's not glamorous, but we continue to be obedient, never knowing what the next day is going to hold. I'd rather answer his calling today than just plan on doing it tomorrow. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. We are only guaranteed this very moment. So this very moment I choose to be a Foster Parent, I choose to bless the name of the Lord, and I choose to trust in God's plan for my life. I honestly believe that if I can handle a daily dose of twins, I can handle just about anything. Bring it on:)
Just loving them will speak to their little hearts of Father's love more than anything :) Scott says "So glad to hear from the two of you, you are making a great mom and dad." WE MISS YOU!